The following are the documents we’ll ask for at our initial meeting. Having these located and prepared ahead of time will make our time together much more efficient and productive. All documents are held in the utmost confidence.
Last two years’ year-end financials (e.g. 2022 and 2023 if requesting a loan in 2024)
YTD Financial statements, including balance sheet and income statement
Projections, Monthly - 12 or 24 months, if available
Current Debt Schedule (Loan date, payment schedule, rate, etc)
Aged Accounts Receivable (A/R) Schedule (grouped by customer)
Aged Accounts Payable (A/P) Schedule (grouped by vendor)
Summary inventory schedule (if applicable)
Machinery and equipment schedule (if applicable)
Commercial real estate (CRE) description (if applicable)
Recent appraisals, (inventory, EQ, CRE) if applicable
Completed personal financial statement (download here)
If you have any questions about the requests above, please reach out via email!